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Vilros PiDOCK 400 Raspberry Pi 400 Compatible Dock & Display, 13.3” Full HD Touchscreen, Built-in Touchpad, USB-C, HDMI, Power Supply & Portable Laptop Case (Carrying Case Included).
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Vilros PiDOCK 400 Raspberry Pi 400 Compatible Dock & Display, 13.3” Full HD Touchscreen, Built-in Touchpad, USB-C, HDMI, Power Supply & Portable Laptop Case (Carrying Case Included).

Product ID: 660551043
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The Vilros PiDOCK 400 is a transformative solution for Raspberry Pi 400 owners, turning your compact Raspberry Pi 400 into a fully-functional laptop. With a sleek, portable design, it includes a built-in 13.3-inch Full HD touchscreen display, a touchpad, and essential connectivity options like HDMI, USB, and USB-C ports. Designed for maximum convenience, the PiDOCK 400 offers an all-in-one solution that powers your Raspberry Pi 400 while enabling easy connections to external devices, such as USB peripherals and additional displays. The PiDOCK 400 is perfect for anyone who wants to create a versatile and portable Raspberry Pi workstation. Whether you're a developer, hobbyist, or educator, this dock allows you to harness the power of your Raspberry Pi 400 with ease. The 13.3-inch Full HD touchscreen provides excellent display quality for tasks ranging from coding to multimedia creation. Additionally, the built-in touchpad allows smooth navigation, further enhancing your productivity. Not only does the PiDOCK 400 streamline your workspace with its built-in ports and simple cable management, but it also comes with a carrying case for added portability. You can now take your Raspberry Pi 400 with you wherever you go and continue your work or project seamlessly. It’s the perfect tool for making the most of your Raspberry Pi 400 kit, transforming it into a professional-grade portable computer. Note that the Raspberry Pi 400 keyboard is not included, but the PiDOCK 400 features a designated slot to neatly store the keyboard when not in use. With an easy-to-set-up design, all you need to do is connect the included cables, plug in the power supply, and you're ready to go. Perfect for creating a Raspberry Pi-based laptop, the PiDOCK 400 is the ideal solution for both work and play.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

2 months ago