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Product ID: 2258824
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APRONS: Package includes patterns and instructions for five aprons A, B, C, D, E in size small (8-10), medium (12-14) and large (16-18). A: purchased contrast bias binding. B: contrast pocket. C: contrast pockets and ruffles. D, E: contrast upper apron. B, C, D, E: contrast waistband and ties. NOTIONS: Apron A: 1 yd. of 5/8" Ribbon and 5 yds. of 1/2" Double Fold Bias Tape. Apron B: 21/4 yds. Each of Medium Rick-rack in Two Contrasting Colors. Apron D: 21/4 yds. of 3/8" - 7/8" Novelty Trim. Apron E: Three 3/4" - 1" Buttons. FABRICS: Cotton, Cotton Blends and Novelty Cotton. Allow extra fabric to match stripes, plaids or one-way design fabrics. *with nap. **without nap. Combinations: XY(S-M-L) MULTI-SIZED FOR CUSTOM FIT

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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