Chemical Guys SPI_191 Lightning Fast Carpet and Upholstery Stain Extractor, 16 oz
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Chemical Guys SPI_191 Lightning Fast Carpet and Upholstery Stain Extractor, 16 oz

Product ID: 457780699
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Chemical Guys Lightning Fast Carpet and Upholstery Stain Extractor Cleaner and Stain Remover (16 oz) is a super-powerful stain extractor that penetrates deep, dissolves tough stains, then emulsifies and lifts dirt and debris to the surface to restore fabric, upholstery, and carpet. Carpet, upholstery, headliners and plastics are under constant abuse and are subject to stains and spills almost daily. "Lightning Fast Carpet/Upholstery Stain Extractor and Cleaner" can be sprayed on and wiped off, it can be brushed in and vacuumed out, or it can even be put into all leading extractor machines for superior results. Its patented blend cleans without destroying color or fading surfaces. Lightning Fastäó»s water-based, hyper- concentrated formula is highly dilutable - 20:1, which means that 1 gallon will make up to 20 gallons of usable products. Lightning Fast contains powerful cleaning agents developed for professional detailers that need results fast. This uniquely designer blend of cleaners lifts dirt particles away from the fibers so that they can be rapidly removed. Chemical Guys premium blend of surface protectants enable Lightning Fast to protect carpet fibers after every use. Hyper-concentrated - dilutable 20:1 Great for carpets, upholstery, sneakers, fabrics, sofas and more Simple, easy application Helps resist future stains Cleans without destroying color or fading surfaces

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Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

3 days ago

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